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Re: Can I DIE from this? Please, I need some help.
MH 108 Views: 1,476
Published: 19 y
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Re: Can I DIE from this? Please, I need some help.


How did you fast for 10 days and what preparations?

This means all the differance in the world.

What is in your body? Dental metals/drugs/city water/vitamins?????? How about your spine? What is your condition prior to fasting???????

I suggest you never take salt while fasting, it can be too powerful.

Did you fruit juice fast, water fast, veggetable fast????

ONLY "IF" you water fasted or no water fast, can I imagine such a powerful cleanse.. Fruit juice fasting? You can live the rest of your life on fruit juice, same with vegetable juice.

Your problems need further info, proper fasting has nothing to do with your experience, I would call it 100% related to constipation and this can be very detailed depending on your past.

I would see my chiropractor immedietly and go from there. "IF" your too weak to seek out a chiropractor then you were not ready to self-experiment and do need professional help for your sever intoxification elimination problem. Can they help you? I have no clue, because your real problem is not known from waht I can get from your post. And then, naturally, all any of us can do is guess, ONLY your qualified care provider that examines you can tell you something specifically about you.

Hopefully by now your past the problem and know more why it happened.

THIS is why I see the Master Cleanse as too powerful for most older people, because I would expect these symptoms from anyone that has chronic problems and they just jump in and do a master cleanse with lemons. To have these results from a proper orange juice fasting would seem rare and due to lack of preparation and most likely issues with the spine/brain/spirit.

Good Luck,


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