The herbal liver flush didn't hurt at all. It was discomforting as whatever moved down my liver did, but it certainly wasn't painfull. More anoying than anything. I certainly didn't have to be near the bathroom.
Only the other day have I realized the importance of eating foods which bind to bile toxins and aid in removing them. I'm still learning.
I'm almost positive this liver congestion thing is the root of my health problems. Right now I'm taking milk thistle and dandelion root extracts and am going to continue doing so during the huma worm cleanse. Then I'm going to save some money and buy the chinese bitters from Julia Chang as suggested by betta.
I'm going to continue doing the herbal flush occasionally once I find out which one of these herbs is giving me that itchy throat feeling, which leads to other discomforts. I'm amazed that this flush actually got things moving. I can't believe the power that herbs have. I love herbs. They can really take care of us. Absolutely amazing.