19 y
Re: swollen lymph nodes...
Hi Joesurfer,
I agree with both posters - about castor oil packs and dry skin brushing for healing swollen lymph nodes, in addition to rebounding as you are doing.
You may also want to stop zapping until the current congestion has cleared, since this may be causing some of the die off that is causing the lumps, and also increase your water intake (add celtic
Sea Salt & fresh lemon juice to your water) and cayenne poultices (external) and a daily intake (1/2 teaspoon in honey or lemon juice).
Here's a link that has the poultice recipe:
Both my husband and I experienced inflamed and hardened lymph nodes, and these are the things that worked.
After sking brushing, jump into the hot shower, and then lower the temperature to cold - as cold as you can possibly take it.
Please do post waht works for you - good luck in your search.
MadArt (ist)