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Re: Collectively we live

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babsbiltmore Views: 7,071
Published: 19 y
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Re: Collectively we live

Yes we are just this and not just this...
Guru Nanak is one of the masters in the golden/silver chain
We can tune in and get much from his tradition and knowledge
Ong Namo and etc
But to some the yogic life does not resonate
there is no room for any but one savior
They must also know Christ had his own line of earthly Masters
who assisted Him in Becoming the Christ
(a state of being)

We celebrate his birth (interestingly on a winter solistice- a more ancient worship day) But before his death there was no celebration
connected to Him
20/20 hindsight, really is it of any importance?
But He did Become as many other did
as Parmahansa Yogananda says
"we bow to you saints of all religions"

Practice what resonates in your heart
and have tolerance for the rest
There have been some harsh doings over
Kundalini yoga that have shifted
Because it was about the
messenger not the message
and that is a CZ line
Let all all stive to live to our
own belief system rather than criticizing others

Know that we are all warriors somewhere
in our heart, and out belief system
whatever it may be has caused more wars
and loss of vital life force
than any other
activity on earth

Look to yourself first
are you aligned with your
word and deed?
If not what a great place to start?

If you have an in group and an outgroup
there will never be healing
or a "cure"

If you feel you have power over others based on an inside place
in a power structure
Let me introduce you to
Marie Antonette and
"Let them eat cake"

There is always someone more powerful
and if you speak of truth
while not living truth
If you complain "It is my truth!"
for all the world to hear
in front of your God
and it is a sleight of hand
be careful
there are those who see truth
in the very air around you!

Yet they held the space for your understanding in the
face of all sorts of nonsense
and mean spiritedness
with a certian amount of those
and turning the "other cheek"
and still there was no understanding

I Am thinking this can only be
that you have stayed behind the veil in
plain sight for so long
we are all idiots to you?
No one is hidden even Guru Nanak
not the sun eaters or the air breathers
they are available to all

But fitrst align your self
the others will appear to you
They wait for you
They love and cheer for you
they want you to know

Only we hold any master at bay
that is because we fill
out time with our own Mastership of
simple tasks

Sat Nam

Thank you for your post I Am happy to
"see" you here
Nothing is magic
it is real
it is here
and you can accesss it


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