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Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”I have recommended it to family and friends already and am sure...

  Views: 7,369
Published: 19 y
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I came to this forum erroneously believing that someone had either the same goals as I had, was as open minded as I am or was as far or further along than I was...and now I see I was wrong. 69336 is the only one who hit the nail on the head: You are all RULED BY FEAR. And that is just the way the evil in this world wants it... they don't want anyone to break out of humanity, break out of the routine, the "normal life" BS which keeps us CHAINED TO HUMANITY, to a body that will decay and rot and die anyway.

The difference between you and I is that you will do ANYTHING to protect your human vehicle. YOU WILL DO ANYTHING TO NOT DIE. It is this fear that keeps you locked into blessed humanity eating, crapping, sleeping, feeling pain, getting old, getting sick, and never being satisfied, always searching for more more more. Nothing is ever good enough, nothing is ever enough. THAT IS HUMANITY. And if that is all there is, then I willingly accept death NOW.

I believe there is more than that. I don't take the sheep brainwashing and say yum, can I get another helping? Life is good, life is great. NO. I will not accept what my eyes say is true. Am I a fool or am I enlightened? I am sure 99.9% of you will call me a fool. Why shouldn't you? You see people die from starvation, die from jumping off cliffs, die from old age. You don't think there is another way, why should you? You don't see it in front of you, obvious, so why should you have blind faith that another way exists? It is too much to ask of most people. It never crosses your mind to think: WE ARE ALL IN A PRISON. Everything in life is just set up to distract us from the fact this is a prison and moreover, there is an ESCAPE.

In that escape is what humans have never been able to accomplish: FULFILLMENT. SATISFACTION. PEACE. It is worth "dying" for. It is the only thing that is worth pursuing....if not, you can always go back to eating, sickness, worry, anxiety, fear, disillusionment and wondering what is the meaning of life.

When any of you can come to me and correctly answer this question: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? You will be in the place that I am...and any of you who feel it in your bones that this life is wrong and there MUST be another way... let me tell you, there is: It just takes courage and sacrifice and BLIND FAITH.


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