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Re: ist time using flaxseed to cure my constipation
Karlin Views: 1,595
Published: 19 y
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Re: ist time using flaxseed to cure my constipation

I am so glad to hear every time FLAXSEED works, cuz it works for me and we all love to share truth eh!! Isn't it great the way it does NOT get all spastic and overdone like laxitives can do. I bet you are feeling better after the elimination of so much waste.

I also have seen it go rancid, it goes rancid faster after being ground up. Its only good for a few days or a week at most after grinding it.

I like the golden flaxseed best.

So you were grinding it up, is that right? I also use my blender, those small seeds are hard to pulverise, but I do get it to become a fluffy flour, no shells visable. Grinding anything that much cant be all good, but thats the way I think it works best, for me.

As for getting it down, I enjoy it now that I mix it with my granola, with some 'oat bran' and a bit of banana and honey - lots of honey cuz honey is also a 'mild laxitive' -didja know that dear? For the milk I use a [non-soy] milk substitue made of almond paste. [Blue Diamond's "Almond Breeze", if it is ok to mention a product name here!]{note - the oat bran makes the watery milk substitue thicker]

When I can afford them, I also add some HEMP SEED into the granola bowl. They are nature's highest and best ratio of omega oils. Also, really great for gently increasing bowel movements, almost as good as flaxseed.

Yea flaxseed !!!



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