Thanks so much for the post and the link. I have heard of people successfully treating BV with peroxide, but it has always been anecdotal information. I also appreciate that you indicated the holistic basis of using hydrogen peroxide by noting that the acidophilus bacteria that normally live in the vagina produce peroxide as a metabolic by-product. Nice connection. Also liked the reference to pH which many sources haven't mentioned.
Personal thing to consider with recurrent BV is that semen is very alkaline and can raise the pH of the vagina for hours after intercourse. From what I have heard and experienced that may be enough to allow BV to take hold. I know from personal experience I never had a problem until I stopped using condoms after years of use. It was amazing that after 10+ years of never having a problem, all of a sudden I couldn't get rid of it! I would think the peroxide flush would help counteract the rise in pH. Hopefully.