Re: Xtreme oil pulling + so much toxins
imalurnin - thanks for the great info! just gonna check it out now! unfortunately im in the uk and its nigh on impossible to find multiple dentists to get 2nd opinons on (NHS dentists so hard to find a lot of people dont bother) but i definitely agree with what you said. consent and belief in their expertise is something all to easily assumed...but i worked as a student nurse for a while so im wondering now - how could that interesting thought!
trapper= 12 steps? sign me up!
kebod - i noticed it the taste of toxin in the oil (i use olive oil) increased suddenly and the taste was stronger. i didnt even have to swish to get the toxins out (it was like they were jumping out of my mouth into the oil!). its not something i like to do too often though as way too many accidental swallowings lol!
mama crow - i love your sense of humour - its like mine! (maybe all us are just high on oil?) and yes, its a funny story! im gonna tell it, but only cause you asked. sometimes i listen to audio lectures when im pulling. one time i was so moved by what was said i prostrated to Allah. sadly i had a mouth full of oil and it was not too easy to breathe! so i havent listened to a lecture while im pulling since in case it happens again!
i got my cavities filled today. havent tried pulling yet, gotta give them time to settle in. but when i do ill be so interested to find out whats the difference. is there gonna be less toxins? different toxin taste?! somebody help me... im obsessed!!!!