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Xtreme oil pulling + so much toxins
ozone bubble Views: 3,530
Published: 19 y
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Xtreme oil pulling + so much toxins

by accident i found out that bending at the waist so your head is upside down gives much more pulling power. but you have to be real careful not to swallow - by accident also i did this and the stuff actually burned my throat!! wow! guess that means its really working.

since my first time oil pulling ive been wondering why it gives such dramatic results so far i understand it like its sort of like having a third kidney!

also, ive been wondering about my teeth. i went to the dentist before i started pulling and he said my teeth were in dire shape. my last dentist never said anything about it! so i have a mouthful of rotting teeth for no apparant reason (followed the teeth brushing/flossing/mouthwash regime religiously and not a bad diet either). the interesting point is since i started pulling i can really notice having these bad teeth. the toxins coming out of my cavities fill up my oil with such a rancid chemical taste in seconds. ive pulled nearly a whole bottle of olive oil today. thats 750ml of chemical filled oil! how did my mouth become so toxic?


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