Consider prescription anti-candida products
Consider prescription anti-candida products. They are often criticised here - but think about this: Candida has dozens of subforms, and Internet searches show that even some prescriptions will only work on some of the forms, not on the others - so it doesn't make sense that non-prescription anti-candida products wouldn't have the same problem.
For example, if someone has candida Krusei instead of Candida Albicans, the Krusei form is not killed by certain products that do kill the Albicans form.
If you've really tried a full range of non-prescription products, faithfully, while on the diet, the prescription products may be needed.
As to which ones to try, and how to find a doc to prescribe them... There are a few good books on this, try your local library. William Crook, (an M.D actually) wrote a few good ones, and he talks about the prescriptions, and lists clearinghouse phone numbers to find a doctor who is knowledgable about candida.