Re: ~message for Seunim~
Yeah, you have great web-logging I do hope
you share notes from the cleansing journey...ggg.
I will most likely start on Monday. Company and way too
much food in the fridge to begin today :p I will not be
blogging this leg of my own journey since I am shaking it
up and doing a MOG thing, although *not* 108 days~!
I also got some other MH formulas and my focus will be
on amping the immune system and strengthening organs,
blood, etc.
I am proud to say that my colon cleansing has been very
successful and so my digestion and elimination is great.
So, on to another phase before the next major battle of
the parasites, since I did a month long
parasite cleanse
this last September but then stuff in my liver flushing
either meant those were dead, or the
parasites I killed
earlier laid eggs galore and those are now mature enough
to cause the new symptoms I am having.
Anyway, the old cycle of cleanse and rebuild. I am thrilled
to have a ton of citrus and laugh to think I did not even
look for lemons. They last well and are also in the new
crop. I have enough lemons here for about a week of MCing
so will most likely use them and then segue into the OJ.
Best wishes for your own success~~
yes, peace and happiness to you too~
The Master Cleanse Express