Exercises done the right way can bring relief or worsen a condition if not indicated for the specific condition so a long distance advice has to be taken with caution!
I do not recommend a head-stand in any case because nature made the vertebrae in the neck smaller due to less gravity and weight pressing on them and why would we work against nature?
Colon cleansing and Liver-Flush can also help with back pain because everything is connected and using TCM Science and the knowledge of Meridians and functional circuits it gets more understandable.
An improvement on the organ level can therefore possitively influence any area of the body by balancing the energy flow on the specific meridian / vertebrae.
However its is not likely that without an effective re-alignment of the spine that the healing is opitimal.
Specific Exercises for Self Help Re-alignment you can view at my website: http://www.dorn-method.com