I Cured My Candida -So Can You! By Ian Solley
I just bought the book on the internet. Not very expensive.
You can read more about it here.
I am not sure if 'this cure works' but it seemed to for him. There is a lot of detailed information and he talks about having to detoxify metals before trying anything. That's because Candida will just come back if you have a toxic metal environment in your gut. (I was told recently that I have Mecury toxicity). After that he lists diet, exercise and many anti fungals and detoxing agents I haven't heard of and I thought I knew a bit. Some are expensive to buy, Phos Chol (for cell membrane repair) being the most expensive at $138 for 300 capsules and in the U.K. it's about £165 for 300 - cheaper to order from the U.S for U.K customers. All the rest are much cheaper, phew!
He also suggests that you download and pay for this book
I am thinking about it.
I went to see my gastroenterologist for the third follow up today. I go privately and he charged me only half price, which was so nice. I trust him, he really seems to be up on the latest stuff and he really seems to care about my getting better. This is the system he has worked out for me after blood tests etc.
Flagyl 250mg to be taken just before sleep (early dinner not eating late) This is to be taken for 5 days then five days rest then another 5 days. This is to ensure all eggs/cysts are cleared. A stool sample showed Giardia Lambia.
Lomper comp for 3 days to kill any worms. The stool stample showed no worms but he said he would like to do a total cleaning of the intestinal tract. And everybody knows labs are not accurate all the time.
Loitin 100mg to be taken before bed for 2 to 3 weeks depending on how I feel on this drug, if any change like jaundice or sickness to stop immediately. It's a prescription anti-fungal, I had never heard of it.
Also to take it easy and slowly in daily life, don't rush and get stressed, eat slowly AND vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, no
Sugar where possible etc. He will see me some time after Christmas with hopefully good news!
I looked up loitin, here is information-
I will also buy Colonix and Toxin Out, stock up at the organic store and take on board as many suggestions and supplements in Ian Solleys book. As you can imagine I am really excited as I think that with a lot of hard work on my part over the next three months I may make a real dent in Candida and it's related health issues.
I wanted to share this because everyone here on this forum is very supportive and all the ideas are so informative and helpful. It's a steep learning curve for me. I will try to made updates on how I am going.