One of the things I find most difficult about candida is the not knowing - I spend an incredible amount of time just wondering how much candida is left inside me with no real way of knowing for sure. Or wondering whether the symptoms I'm having are because things are getting better or worse and again no real way of knowing. For example, I recently started taking a strong probiotic thinking that things would improve but they didn't, they got worse and I dont really know why. It is also a really lonely illness because there is nobody you can really talk to about it - least of all the doctor and you have to make all the decisions yourself. I've had chronic candida for 4 years now and I have been actively fighting it for two years. I know that candida has severely affected both my liver and my immune system which are the two main reasons why I am finding it so difficult to get better.
I'm sorry if this post is a bit depressing but I am feeling quite down about it and wonder if I will ever get rid of it.