Big Pharma and supplements
We all know that big pharma has their hands in the supplement market and are digging deeper by buying up some of the larger vitamin companies.
I think we also know that many supplements are synthetically produced AND are based upon minimum rda making them little more than useless, maybe even quite harmful.
In addition, some supplements like potassium are limited to 99mg when the rda is 3.5 grams per day (35+ pills a day IF the potassium is NOT synthetic and is absorbed).
We also know that finding good quality whole foods and whole food supplements, while still available in larger areas, is getting harder to find, with some products beginning to mysteriously fade from the shelves, while still others like
Colloidal Silver are currently under attack and threatened.
Do you think this is all part of the "dumbing down" process and the availability of supplements is being\has been used as a smoke and mirrors?
Or, do you think it is bottom line and greed plain and simple, as in... we are beholden to the masters and pay them from before birth till after death for anything and everything?
Or even a piece of the larger so called
Conspiracy puzzle?
Or all of the above?
Especially in lieu of the recent bills being moved through the senate and the house: