19 y
Re: At a loss
Thanks for your reply.
When I first met him he had so much going for him. He was active socially, musically, getting his masters degree, acting in a play...etc. I know that man is in there somewhere, I see glimpses.
We have weaned him down. He was on 3 Prozac and two seratonins a day, and have very slowly taken him down to one Prozac a day.
Then today he goes to get a physical. Damn allopathic jerk tells him that it would have been better to just stop them altogether, because one will do nothing for him if he's not taking the "full dose". What a looney. I have read how going cold turkey is dangerous, and we have been trying to be prudent.
We are also (or I am) scared that once he is off them all, he will go down that big hole he was in. It alarmed us enough to get him some drugs in the first place. He's never been suicidal as far as I know, but he doesn't exactly share a lot.
He told me tonight that once this prescription is over, he is not getting a refill.
And then he starts dooming and glooming me, and telling me that everyone on curezone are probably liars. That set me off big time, considering how much I have been trying to help him with natural remedies. And I'm hurt by this, because I've invested so much time and energy into this process....I feel so unappreciated. I guess I'm muddled with feelings of being sorry for myself, which is so selfish, I know. But damn it, I've tried so hard. I know I can't fix him, but I really have worked hard to help.
I hope you are right Hopsino. That my man is in there ready to come back out...good or bad. That he is my living zombie.
Boy, I hope that's right.
Thank you.