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Re: Help. Terrible skin eruptions after 3rd LF.
Jova Views: 2,045
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 785,425

Re: Help. Terrible skin eruptions after 3rd LF.

I had a similar experience a few flushes ago (I'm doing my 25th tonight). I did it on the night of a full moon, which may have been the cause, since I've read that flushing on the full moon causes reabsorption of toxins. I got blotches of red acne-like bumps (though each bump was half the size of a pimple) all over my body, and they itched almost like mosquito bites. I was pretty concerned for a while, but they went away in about a week. I would say to keep flushing so that your liver can function effectively enough to filter toxins that run through your body. If you're sure this happened specifically due to a flush, just keep flushing and it'll go away on its own.


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