Help. Terrible skin eruptions after 3rd LF.
I have started a series of
Liver-Flush using the olive oil/grapfruit juice technique by
Andreas Moritz (I can't post at his site so I am posting here). Did the 1st flush the middle of August. Saw a few stones, didn't feel bad, no problem. Did the 2nd flush on Oct 3. Saw more stones, no problems. However, I noticed a reddish,dry patch on my leg but wasn't too concerened. Did 3rd flush 3 weeks later on Oct 25. Right away the rash started to grow. Red, dry patches of skin covered both lower legs within the week. By the first week of Nov I also had patches on thighs and lower arms. Some appeared on upper arms the following week. By the 3rd week of Nov the rash had spread to the front of my neck. By now the itching is so bad I can hardly sleep a few hours at a time. My arms and legs are also swollen around the elbows and knees where the patches occur making it painful to bend my arms or climb stairs. On Dec 3 the rash started on my stomach (my torso had been clear until now) and also some on my eyelids. It has been almost 6 weeks from the last flush but the rash/welts just get worse. Has anyone had a
Liver Flush cause this severe of a skin problem? In another week I will not be able to go out in public once it spreads on my face. Is this caused by a release of toxins from the flush or could it be something else? Aloe gel and olive oil didn't help with the itching so I rub down with cocconut oil every 3 hours. I also oil pull, jump on rebounder twice a day and soak every night for 30 min in hot water/
Epsom Salts to make myself sweat in order to flush these toxins out but so far I have ot seen any improvement. What else can I try? I am afraid my whole body will be covered with scars all because of a liver flush.