Re: 2nd flush-HARD, need feedback and advice!(LONG!)
i may have been dehydrated, or the blood pressure idea seems possible of course too. I know i was severly dehydrated the next day, but at the time of the problems its hard to say.
My chiropractor had earlier advised just taking a spoon of olive oil at bedtime and drinking a glass of apple juice everyday(seems like it could take years to see an effect from this approach!) and a
Psoriasis book, which diet i follow by dr pagano recommends 3 days of apples, and everynight a spoon of olive oil.(plus enemas)
I did see a reaction to this cleanse in that my
Psoriasis increased during the cleanse, so i felt it must be having an effect, but no stones.
dont know about it being worse the mini cleanse idea, i saw another old post where andreas had recommended a teaspoon of epsoms in water everyday, but cant remember the other details and cant findthepost again(maybe it was in preparation for a bigger flush?
sigh, i just wish this hadnt freaked us all out so badly.
thanks so much for your ideas and help!
i did read all of the other flushes and they all involve at one point a big ingestion of olive oil...just have to sit on this for a while!