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2nd flush-HARD, need feedback and advice!(LONG!)
leyla Views: 1,723
Published: 19 y

2nd flush-HARD, need feedback and advice!(LONG!)

so thankful to all for your sharing, it has helped me with this path so much.
Last night did 2nd LF, Hulda Clark recipe. First let me confess my possble mistakes before the story. I did my first flush only 1 week ago, it was very smooth and easy, released about 30 pea like stone and felt fine. I did read i should wait 2 weeks before flushing again(1st mistake?). Psoriasis is flaring and worried about not being able to flush more this month so did yesterday for convenience and eagerness for a turnaround. After first drink i felt very achy and like flu coming on, but it seemed a bit better before i took the OO/GFJ so i did it not thinking much of it.(2nd mistake?)
After about 45 minutes there was such gurgley flip flopping in my upper abdomen, i lightly massaged both right left and center of my upper abdomen along ribcage about 5 minutes and then it passed. Couldnt sleep and about 2 hours later felt VERY nauseus, with need to go to the bathroom, took about 10 steps and then soon after woke up on the floor, still felt as bad and not sure what happened, got up and 5 steps later my husband was holding me calling my name trying to wake me up, he said he saw me collapse and i was unconscious about 8 seconds. Went to bathroom and release an unbelievable amount of stuff but was too sick to see what really.
Hubby walked me back to bed, and soon after came to bed, said to wake him up if i was to go to the b-room. Soon after tried to wake him up, he was out like a light, so i thought i could do it, but before i reached the door i again woke up in his arms, he said the noise of my falling woke him up.
Today i am understandably spent, emotionally and depleted physically. I dont seem to have the flu. I passed about ten 1/2 inch size stones and at least 50 small, but total i really cant say as i didnt see what happened in the night. Definatley i had a major purge, and was happy to see that large stones came out today. I had planned on flushing this way for some time into the future, but after last night i cannot, as it was a tad too scary for us.

last thoughts: i dont regret it at all, feel thankful that nothing bad happened outside of that(like cracking my head open) have some sense of humor about it now. I only dont want to stop this process as i believe this is the root of my ills and must be corrected. I need ideas of how i can keep the ball rolling in a less extreme way. I am trying to read intot he herbs andreas recommended for stone dissolving, but will not have access to herbs/product for about 6 months(i live in a foreign country with no such thing) in the meantime.....??

also today my kidney area on both sides is achy, possibly overloaded with toxins from the flush? Need ideas on gentle toxin elimination as well.

I dont feel able to do a salt water flush, or lemnade fast any major elimination route, as well as weight loser as i am already down to a minimum weight.

any ideas, any feedback on ANY of these points would be appreciated!
love! l


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