IntraMax liquid vitamins
I am also using
oregano oil and H2O2. I can't remember who suggested selenium. Sorry about that. How much do I need each day?
I don't know where else I would ask about worms in my body. LOL It isn't my usual topic of conversation. No, I didn't take them to my doctor. I tried to talk to my doctor about nose parasites last year and that went no where. That is why I bring my questions here.
I will try your suggestions for keeping my body alkaline. I checked my PH last night and it was leaning toward being too acid. For the tea would you use maybe 1 teaspoon each of honey and cinnamon? What kind of tea?
I think I will try some of the products at when some of my other things start running out. I would love to order right now but this is all getting kind of expensive with some of things I already bought-the liquid vitamins, hyaluronic acid, etc.
Those guys better not be eating my cartilage!! Does Devil's Claw come in capusules?
I have a bottle of Braggs apple cider vineagar and will start that today. How did you take the alfalfa? Glad to hear your arthritis is gone! It gives me hope.
Thanks for the info on comfrey. Is there somewhere I can buy some?
Glaxony, where did you buy your comfrey?