--answer-- Dry skin, dry lips
Hi Evan,
You may try using some Good apple cider vinegar to rub on the areas of your body which are giving you these problems !
You could even do a bath soak using some ACV !
The ACV may help the exterior skin surface to stay softer and have more moisture on it !
Not everything is as it may first seem to be, for the outer surface of the cell, like the outer surface of the skin, may change it's moisture content as well as the inside of the cell structure may change it's moisture content with the changes in the Sodium to Potassium ratios !
If, you are feeling colder than normal, then your Potassium levels may be too high in ratio to your Sodium "in" your cell structure !
Do you use any good Salt in your Diet ?
Salt may be increased when one gets colder, but you need to increase the water intake when you use more salt(sodium chloride) !
I have found that enough Good Kelp generally may solve this problem of getting to cold in the winter time without needing any extra salt !
But the Potassium is needed to soften the skin, thus the reason for using the ACV on the outside of the skin !
Taking a Soak Bath using Baking Soda may dry the skin out on the outside !
So, you may have a problem of not having enough Sodium in the inside of the cell structure to keep you warm, yet are Lacking enough potassium on the outside of the skin surface to keep it moist !
You may do Better to not do the soak baths you have been doing during the time of the month when these winds are blowing the most and giving you these problems !
Smile Tis your choice.