19 y
Re: What is wrong with me???? Someone please help
That's a good point, wallace. When you kill parasites, they give off the heavy metals that they've been soaking up. Whenever I have die-off, I get anxiety, urinary urgency, and other strange symptoms. At first I didn't know what was going on, then later noticed the coincidence. Sometimes I take Chemo Clenz or Lymph Clenz, two homeopathic remedies, and they work quickly. Another thing that works is charcoal.
Another thing that I just started doing last Friday is cutting almost all salt out of my diet. Salt isn't good for the human body. I did it before and it did wonders for my appearance. Besides other things, salt shrivels you up. Since I started I've been detoxing at a alarming rate. If anyone else tries it, please let me know your results.
PS: I always thought mercury was the only heavy metal I had to worry about. Then I had a hair analysis done 2 years ago and there were several heavy metals that were too high. You just never know where they come from. One of them, cadmium, is found in broccoli due to fertilizers. Another one was gallium, who knows where that came from. I even had some arsenic.
Take care, and don't give up.