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Re: Alzheimer's help please
boldyloxx Views: 1,552
Published: 19 y
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Re: Alzheimer's help please

I totally understand what your'e going through.

My parents are elderly- and I know that even though my mother is anti-pharma as I am- my sister and brother in law are the types that will call the cops and have me arrested if I stand in the way of her or my Dad go into a hospital.

I live at home with them. Things get complicated with family as we grow older- they think they know what's best, but they really don't.

I do feel that alzheimers is a result of things that build up over time-- and cause regression. It could definitely be caused from heavy metals in silver teeth fillings or bridgework. Also diet could play a part- because face it- the standard "normal" Western diet is truly lacking -- and loaded with solvents, preservatives, bad fats, refined everything. Then there is the hormones in all of our livestock, and the pesticides in all of our produce.

My aunt got cancer from the pesticides on all the produce. She mentioned this to my sister before she died.

what I suggest for you is if you can't ideally (without your siblings having you arrested) keep her at home and totally revise her diet and eliminate what you can-- then 2nd best thing is to least be at that nursing home every day with your own food for her-- and get a juicer-- and juice raw oranges for her. Get her a mini-fridge for her room- so you can store some things in the fridge there. Or bring a cooler with ice.

Get some of MH's Gingko Biloba tincture and Ginseng. Give her that daily. And also Lemon Balm in a tea. Lemon Balm is very hardy-- just like Mint. Grow some in your garden and cut it up in tea for her with the Ginkgo. I recently read that the both have been found to control and halt senility and alzheimers in many people.
Especially when taken together.

Give her some Wheatgrass juice. Blend it in with other juices so it tastes good.

Bring meals to your mom everyday- and enjoy eating them along with her. Keep her mind stimulated too , with puzzles, etc. Discourage television.

This is just a little advice, but MH and others will have much better info for you!!


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