i'm interested in some other thoughts after reading this reply from a user in responce to an earlier message of mine where i said i've been swishing olive oil to counteract candida
they said:
"do a search on oleic acid and fungus..many times oleic acid is used to grow fungus on agar plates for study. Oleic acid is also use to create blackheads in rabbits eat to study Acne treatments.
My fungus symptoms flare when I use high oleic oils like olive-I too get the white tongue build up with oleic oils . However seasame oil is also high in oleic..
could be you are feeding your fungus/bacteria?"
but i did a search on candida and olive oil and it seems all the things i found say olive oil is great to kill it and is recommended in the candida diets i looked at....so can we get some more opinions|? now im curious...