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Have you considered CoQ10?

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imalurnin Views: 4,966
Published: 19 y
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Have you considered CoQ10?

CoQ10 as you know is an essential element that the body can produce. However, for some of us as we age plus stressors in our lives, we need supplementation. About 200 mg daily (applied topically and swallowed after several minutes) to help you with the loose tooth and receding gum problem. Also, I frequently add CoQ10 to my OP to aid my gums. Another important issue to consider is toothpaste that does not have sodium lauryl sulfate (heavy duty detergent), silica (think Comet cleanser), or fluoride (toxic byproduct of aluminum industry).

Dabbing a drop of essential oils (safe for internal usage) on the painful spot may help with the sensitivity; I suggest a combo of oil of cloves, lemon, and oregano. Young Living has a combo oil called Theives Oil which is excellent, and you can find a lot of sites to locate it. There is a ton of research you can google re periodonitis and CoQ10. Below are some sites and an excerpt from each site.
But there was another option: that Mighty little nutrient, CoQ10. Mind you, the scientific literature on CoQ10 and gum disease was very preliminary, but I thought it was worth a shot, given the alternatives looming.

So I started popping it (and, as an "experiment," I almost never flossed). Now, as for dosage, I took 200 milligrams per day because that’s what my doctor contacts said would be alright for an experiment, but that’s quite a bit — and very expensive in health stores and pharmacies. Most people I know take 30 or 60 milligrams of CoQ10, thinking of it primarily as an antioxidant.
Coenzyme Ql0, which is essential to healthy tissues, is a significant breakthrough in the fight against periodontal disease. Tests both here and in Japan have shown the remarkable effectiveness of CoQ10 supplements in reversing periodontal disease in both its early and later stages and in growing new tissue. There have been many instances of dramatic improvement in the case histories of patients who were no longer able to eat solid food until given CoQ10. I've had great success with my patients with this supplement.
Coenzyme Q-10. Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10), also called ubiquinone is a vitamin-like antioxidant compound that occurs naturally in the body and plays a role in energy production. Research shows that the gums of people with periodontal disease are often significantly deficient in CoQ10, and some evidence suggests that topical or oral CoQ10 may be effective in slowing the disease process. There is no strong proof, however, and more research is needed.



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