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Questioning beliefs.
Savagegrace Views: 2,893
Published: 19 y
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Questioning beliefs.

When I read your post I’m thinking, young, insufficient background, has been listening to too many “beliefs” at CureZone.

But ya know what, opinions are like buttholes, everybody has one....;-)

Here’s mine.

Here’s a few perceptions a number of people have.

This line contains almost everything you hear.

“I’m healthy, I eat “right”, exercise and don’t eat junk food or overdo the “bad” stuff and I cleanse! I’m going to live a long time”.

People who proclaim themselves healthy because they don’t have “health problems” may be in for a rude awakening.

I’m “healthy” or should I say I appear healthy to everyone, even though I do limp at times from a bone on bone hip.

However, I have sufficient “overhead” so it causes me little discomfort.

But, am I healthy for the long term?


A person may NOT proclaim themselves healthy if they haven’t had medical tests done which include hereditary one’s as well.

I have hereditary Lipo (a). As my Mother’s 3 brothers all died in their early sixties, I can assume the same will happen to me.

If, I do not counteract it in some way.

As of last week, I now have 3 different protocols to reverse the damage.

Better yet, I’ll be able, by tests, to determine, if I’m getting the proper affect. Not wishful thinking.

Also, you need to understand more than the medical doctors when it comes to differentiating health issues.

The last two Doctors my wife went to wanted to immediately put her on cholesterol lowering drugs.

She would say, “But my husband says my HDL level....”

They would then look at the individual levels and both proclaimed “Oh, you don’t have to worry about heart problems”

Let’s see, her TC is ~300 and she doesn’t need to worry about heart problems and the Doctors had to be told to “look” at the HDL level.

Unreal. Her HDL level? ~120.

The next part of crowd thinking “eating healthy”.

The words wishful thinking comes to mine.

All commercial food should be construed as bad or at best, marginal for health.

Yes, marginal, even though most bodies can handle it for decades before displaying ill health.

Commercial food can be thought of as an energy source plus poison loading, but not a repair or rebuilding resource.

If you think this is a bit over the top, you have my condolences. (Search for Brix testing)

Lets say you grow your own or only buy organic (Let’s assume it is indeed true organic).

Have you found the right ratio of protein to carbs your body can handle?

Hopefully you’re not one of those wishful thinkers who assume everyone can be vegetarian?

A lot of people are fooled by going to a veg diet for health reasons and they become so much healthier.

Not realizing that the healthful benefits are from cleansing, elimination of bad food, possible surplus of proper resources (for the first time in their life perhaps).

They will peak out after a number of months, then health will decline as determined by what they’re individual body needs are.

As for cleansing, think periodically with recovery time of weeks if not months or longer.

Unless, of course, you’re compensating for a health condition of some sort.

Sam Biser eats raw meat and raw eggs.

They are in fact, more efficient in terms of fuel and far easier on a person’s system than “veggies”.

Your Boxer has perhaps found the correct ratio of “rare” protein and carbs.

With his amount of muscle mass it could very well be right.

As for his “Bull” drink and smoking?

Some people can get away with “bad” things till we appear to die naturally, others can’t.

Sometimes it is just genetics.

If you want the single biggest key to health in my opinion?

Are you happy?

A while back a woman come up on a forum with the fact her boyfriend smoked a cigar once a week.

He told her he really enjoyed it.

She gave him a bad time about it, all the time.

From my perspective in terms of stress:

1. Rather than stop smoking the cigar, he should have dumped her because of the “stress” she alone was causing.
2. She should have terminated all relationships until she got a handle on her need to worry and generate self imposed stress, not only on herself, but others.

Always be upbeat, happy or enjoy what you’re doing and it’s possible negatives will be mitigated or perhaps, zeroed.

If you are the least little “worried” about doing a perceived “bad” thing, then don’t do it.

Either enjoy the hell out of it at the time or forget it.

Health is about minimizing risks.

It’s not about, not enjoying what life has to offer because it’s “bad”.

That’s my opinion, and for the most part, I’m sticking to it...;-)



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