Re: Bio Parasites in Clothes?? Could be A Future Problem!
Hi Rabbitears,
Thanks for the great post. This is not a future problem but a current problem for those of us in Southern California. I have noted these bioworms in clothes, dust, beddings etc.
It is true that normal washing and cleaning basically have little effect on these creatures, but I have found a couple of solutions. 1) Wash your clothes normally with your current detergent but use 3/4 cup of food grade DE (diatomaceous earth) with clothes in the dryer. DE will cut these organisms up in small pieces and dehydrate them-thereby killing them. It is truly effective-I feel that I have gotten 100% kill. 2) in other parts of the house I have found that a product called "Kleen-Free Naturally" which is a non toxic (to humans, animals etc) enzyme cleaner dissolves bacteria, insects, and viruses on contact. When you wash walls, floors, counter-tops, etc. with this product it leaves a film down which continues to kill these organisms.
I researched the "Curezone Archives" and came across posts on "Diatomaceous Earth" and it blew my mind!! DE is problably the most effective
parasite cleanser that I have ever come across. The process is strictly mechanical so the
parasites in the stomach, large and small intestines and bowels are not running away
from a
parasite poison that they can avoid by running away into other parts of the body (lungs, heart, brain etc.) When DE is taken internally by humans and animals the
parasites are cut up as if by razors and the DE absorbes their toxins and they are thereby killed and escorted out of the body thru your bowels and urine. I personally take DE two times a day and my
parasites have never been quieter.
To Shrom and Rabbitears I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your input and all of the research that you have been doing-I really appreciate your posts!