Re: abdominal pain!
Dear Sheridan:
I'm just going through some old posts trying to find ways to get this weight off of me
I read that you lost 100 lbs!! congratulations!!
what exactly did you do?
what dietary changes did you make along with exercise changes??
I've done 12 flushes to date and so far no weight has come off
I'm still expellig tons of stones
can it be my organs are just so congested that once I get more of the stones out then my body will release the weight?
My diet consists of:
plain yogurt, no sugar, no white flour, sprouted whole grains, minimal meat mostly beans, fruits and occastional cheat on the weekends but not in drinking.....and I walk an hour a day and have a cup of unsweetened tea in the morning.....
do i just need to do more flushes or is there something else i need to change as well?
thank you so much
god bless
I gained the weight from injectable fertility drugs and hormones.......