Re: the case of Virgina Snake Rt, by MH
About 5 years ago a pound was going for $75 retail.
The few that do wild craft it still get about $30 a dry pound at auction, a couple in Virgina resale this for about $60 a pound, doubling their $$$$ and then there are a couple who then resale this again and have marked it up as high as $200 because of the rarity and evidently lack of demand for the plant any more.
I prefer the LIVE PLANT 100% of the time, to do this means I have to grow my own or head to the woods and seek to find the herbs. I was able to plant 4 plants this Fall that I obtained from Oregon and have hopes they will survive in the woods. With the luck I have had with this one particular plant I wondered if some herd of deer have not made the spot I planted them their bedding spot!!!!!!!! Just kidding ( I hope)
I would love to buy/trade and have enough to make a new batch as well create a hillside of plants that could spread.
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