Re: Is it die off or am I dying?
Thanks Zapp
Appreciate the insight. You are right, I probably do have leaky gut, although I have never been tested for gut permiability, (have been tested for EVERYTHING else) but I am going to have it done. I have read about it and show all the signs.
I am up right now at 5 ayem suffering severe anxiety and brain fog. Had a bowel movement, which always happens whan I have one of these episodes. If I knew for certain it was die off and leaky gut and yeast antigen induced hypothyroidism, I would probably be more relaxed. But the episodes are so horrible that I can't be sure its that. Now they are talking about possible neuroendocrine tumor, will be going for extensive testing on Friday.
96.5 is not my normal temp. Used to be bulseyed at 98.7. Has dropped over the past few months ever since I got really aggressive treating candida.
I am still guessing that it is CRC and leaky gut, and think I have had it virtually for ever, have had classic symptoms and risk factors all my life. My history is like the perfect storm of events for systemic Candida.
My diet was horrible, ignorant American that I am. Now my diet is pristine, Haven't cheated at all. Have lost 30lbs over the last few years, was already real lean. Now I look like I just stepped out of a concentration camp.
Thanks again for taking the time to offer your thoughts. I appreciate it more than you know.