Don't know if you are still checking for replies. How are you doing?
I just came across your post and had to reply becuse I have had bad hives/swelling for 1 1/2 years now. It improved greatly after I graduated from school, but I now miss a lot of work. After my first two gallstone flushes I would completely clear up the next day and then it would all come back. I've had little success except that I just started digestive enzymes and HCI and have had several good days. I'm taking pure psyllium and Bentonite clay for colon and am about to start a parasite cleanser. It seems the things to treat are candida, parasites, and colon. It's a long process, but got to stick to it.
I heard of someone how had hives/swelling because of lupus and it was successfully treated (not cures) by homeopathy. This person has to get a blood test once a month and alter her diet accordingly. Since I graduted from school I can't get any insurance because of the condition so homeopathy would be too expensive for me. May be worth checking out.