I hate calcium! Do the manufacturers think we are stupid?
IT is completely ridiculous what we have to go through to try to find a supplement for calcium that is not made with carbonate or oxide as a major part of the calcium (and therefore completely unabsorbable) EVEN THE EXPENSIVE NAME BRANDS.
And the studies for years have shown that aspartate and orotate are much more absorbable, yet try to find a brand that actually uses these forms.
No other mineral or vitamin is this hard to try to find in usuable form.
I'm not interested in using a combination of lemon juice and calcium hydroxide powder every day, and most people do need something in a capsule that is not these messy liquids. But just TRY to find a capsule or tablet that actually uses the aspartate or orotate forms.
Do the manufactureres think we are stupid? This is even the following well-known brands, none of which have any type of calcium that is not mostly unabsorbable crap:
Nature's Way
Country LIfe
Twin Lab
Life Extention
Source Naturals
Etc, Etc