Re: Raw Food to heal me
Well, if you're looking for raw food to specifically cure your depression, it probably won't. That's something you need to work out, as I gather you have underlying issues at work that deal with more than imbalanced hormones. This is a great book that helped me greatly with my depression: "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay. I'd suggest positive affirmations everyday to go along with the book, too. When I first started the affirmations it made me sadder, and even angry because I kept thinking "no, these affirmations aren't true..." but I continued with them. Now, 6 months later, I find myself believing them and I'm so much happier. It's still up and down a bit, but I feel more stable and secure within myself. It's worth it, so stick to them!! :)
You might also want to consider yoga a few times a week, energy yoga in particular that works with the various chakras. Dahn yoga is my favourite:
See if they have a centre near you.
In the meantime, if you find you're anxious, try 1mL of a Valerian tincture (bought from health food store) first thing in the morning.
As for cravings, what are you getting cravings for? What kind of cooked foods? Cravings are completely natural, expecially since we're entering the colder, winter months. So don't worry too much about those :) If you're craving sugar, ect. then there's a problem to solve.