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Re: neti wash and Essential Oils?
imalurnin Views: 6,017
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 772,294

Re: neti wash and Essential Oils?

Are you noticing anything since using the tea tree oil in the neti water? Irritation? Burning? If not, it's most likely okay.

Most say tea tree oil should not be taken internally. On the website
it says "Tea tree oil should not be taken internally, even in small quantities. It can cause impaired immune function, diarrhea, and potentially fatal central nervous system Depression (excessive drowsiness, sleepiness, confusion, coma)."

However, at
it says, "Tea Tree Oil is typically available as a tea, lozenge, or essential oil. Use the essential oil internally in minute doses, usually one or two drops to a glass of water several times daily...Do not use essential oil internally unless under guidance of a competent health professional."

Oh well, tea tree oil is one of my favorite first aid kits in a bottle.

How are your ears?



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