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5th liver flush results! What? Eczema on my hand 100% cured!
viva Views: 8,123
Published: 23 y

5th liver flush results! What? Eczema on my hand 100% cured!

I just completed my 5th Liver Flush one day ago. I had waited about 1 month from the last liver flush.

Since my first Liver-Flush I had developed eczema on my hand, it spread a bit to other hand after the 3rd and 4th. I also have digestive problems (for years) and during my parasite cleanse I eliminated fluffy white stuff I concluded as candida. I decided to get serious about eliminating the overgrowth of candida I realized was hindering my health.

After the 4th Liver-Flush I tried oxygen therapy (Homozon) and did this for about a month. I noticed a reduction of the itching or redness of the eczema, as well relief from the other candida symptoms however no candida elimiantion in BMs like during the parasite cleanse.

While on the oxygen therapy program I still experienced in the mornings and after some eating a food product that had yeast ingredient, extreme redness and itching on the eczema infected parts of my hands. I posted my concerns and someone suggested Activated Charcoal to adsorb the toxins. So after I finished the bottle of Homozon I took activated charcoal and noticed again a reducing of the redness and no itching as well as relief from other candida symptoms.

I stopped the charcoal after 7 days and noticed candida symptoms again as well as itching and redness of the eczema. I decided to do my 5th LF.

The flush results; small to medium green stones, some chaff and some small tan stones. Around 100 - 200 stones in total. Great Liver-Flush results I thought. I noted a slight ting of pain in my back upper left shoulder blade which never happend in other LFs.

Then midday after the flush I had 3 consecutive, extreme bowel movements with alot of burning sensations in my lower colon during the BMs. The first extreme BM consisted of small stones mixed in a huge glob of brown thick mucusy stuff (I recall something like this happening after my first LF - not as much though). After this my lower back was so sore I had to lay down and concentrate of just breathing! Then another BM and this time a load of brown, filmy, spotted mucus stuff and some stones. Extreme uncomfortable burning sensation the entire BM. I layed down again, did stretches to help the soreness in my back then 3rd BM. This time lots of brown, flat, chalky stuff and some stones. Burning too.

After this the burning sensation was gone. I felt light-headed a bit.

It wasn't until today that my hands seem completely clear of eczema (except a bit of dryness and roughness of the skin). No itching, no redness. I'm moisturizing only with olive oil.

My next step is to maintain and eliminate any residing overgrowth of candida through a natropathic program using colliodial silver suggested by someone on the discussion board.

What was that stuff? If someone could explain... or if someone has experienced something like this?



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