Re: HELP! 7yo with chronic constipation
Hi April32,
I am sorry for your daughter. I know how miserable that is. Your daughter may have a problem with wheat and dairy, opioid peptides. This is a problem I have. I can only tolerate fermented yogurt or kefir made from raw goat's milk and absolutely no wheat products.
Does she postpone her BMs? Does she have a mineral deficiency? These can cause constipation. Chocolate and cheese products are also constipating.
Are you familar with primal defense for children? This would help her greatly.
Will she drink fruit, pear, grape, prune? I would dilute with water.
Isn't Milk of Mag hydrated "aluminum" powder? It is given for constipation, however large doses are known to cause constipation. Plus it has aluminum in it.
An enema would give her immediate relief, but is not a long term solution. Enemas can be used until she is free flowing again.
Wishing you and your daughter abundant health...Naturally