I've done a thorough Bowel Cleanse using my favourite method, P&B Shakes. My problem with that is, I had a really big BM at one point and a lot of blood came out, so I stopped the shakes for a while. Anyway, I heard good things about Oxypowder and thought of trying it.
Is Oxypowder only in Capsule form? How does it compare to P&B Shakes? How long would I need to use it for an extremely thorough Bowel Cleanse and what kind of dosage per day should I be taking? Does it remove the "good" bacteria like P&B Shakes? Is there any good place in Canada to buy Oxypowder ?
The only downside of Oxypowder is the price, compared to a bottle of Psyllium and a bottle of Bentonite which lasts almost a month, Oxypowder is at least 2 times more money than P&B.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or opinions.