Sounds like you have it together!! Your food choice for lunch sounded ok, except for the corn. You may get that mixed up with the Gallstones in your toilet. I speak from experience.
The ornithine is optional. You may sleep fine without it. The reason for it to to absorb the toxins that will be released when the stones start moving downward. I am not sure about the L-Glutamine because I have never used it. I can't help you there.
Organic grapefruit juice is fine. Try and stick with the 3/4 liquid with the Epsom Salt. There is a reason Dr. Clark says do it that way. Why don't you try squeezing a lemon with the mixture? It always helps the taste for me. I promise you will get through the taste.
I wish I was in Canada right now. I know it's so much cooler there!
Good luck and don't forget to post your results. People like me just love to read them. I love happy endings! Paulette G