--answer about tendon problems--
Hi luap,
It may be hard for people to come to understand that taking some form of Calcium may or may not help their problems !
What makes this Difference is that the body does not Live or operate off of Calcium or any other food for that matter, as such !
But, the body operates from the Electro-magnetic Energy which may be released during the Digestion process, and "IF" your Digestive process may not be functioning properly, then you may not recieve the needed Electro-magnetic Energy to Solve your problems !
So you need to learn what to do so that the food and or Alkaline Minerals supplements which you may choose to take may React properly in your Digestive system , so that your body may recieve the needed Electro-magnetic Energy to Solve the problems which you may Face !
This may be where the Alkalizing Drink in it's completeness may come into play at helping you solve your problems, as well as learning to make Better choices in your other food choices !
But, you may need to learn to adjust the amounts of the different ingredients to fit your condition , and this may require for you to pay attention to the Results which your body may tell you about as you are willing to make changes !
But, for me I have found that you can "NOT" solve any problem in the body, without the body first having enough Calcium Electro-magnetic Energy available !
Smile Tis your choice.