Rudy, you explained just what I was feeling but couldn't find the words! :) I went to click good message and someone else already had. :D Very well put, such an elequont explanation for a living experience we fondly call CHRIST-ianity. Most other religions worship a dead guy and don't mind telling you they do, but we worship a living Jesus Christ risen again. I mean, when your enemies even say you rose from the dead and tell the guards to cover it up by saying the disciples took the body you have to know it's true! :) Ray Comfort made a neat analogy that I saw the other day, if you were walking down a path and came to a split in the road who would you ask for directions--the dead guy lying by the left path or the living guy standing by the right path?? I love analogies, they help illistrate things for me so well. That is one reason I love watching Andrew Wommack, he is always illistrating the Word...Anyway, off topic a bit. :) Thanks again Rudy, Caitlin Lorraine