23 y
Re: Upon my search, I found... "Epsom Salt is extremely destructive to the entire digestive system."
Follow the flush guidelines!
You are suppose to take 4 tbsp of epsom salt, not 16 or 32.
The difference between poison and medicine is in quantity!
In toxicology, everything is a poison, including clean water, or oxygen, if you take it in too big quantity!
Epsom Salt is composed of essential nutrients (magnesium and sulfur), nutrients naturally occuring in unrefined
Sea Salt , mineral water and almost all foods that human eat.
Epsom Salt have been natural part of diet of all animals since begining of life on this planet.
Some people are too sensitive, and they may need to cut the amount to 2 tbsp, or even to 1 tbsp, but most people need all 4 tbsp.
But, you don't know how sensitive you are unless you try it.
This flush (Hulda's) have been used by thousands of people (read stories posted in forums archives) and great majority decided to do it more then once!
And, if you are affraid, there are 5 other recipes that does not use
Epsom Salt !