Re:Sociatal hygene is responsible for increased lifespan!
I read Health and survival in the 21'st century and believed every thing in this book. I was sure that all the
protein that I need was 25 grams a day and I should not eat anything cooked and no meat or dairy. I followed
this plan for about eight months. I looked sick and everyone thought that I had cancer. I was always tired
and my nails where brittle. Until I introduced fish and stake into my diet did I start to feel better and look better.
You can open air steam fish as not to kill the enzymes and you can also could steak lightly on the
surface to kill bacteria ,but keep it rare as not kill the enzymes that are needed to
digest the meat without your pancreas having to work hard to digest the meat. I do believe now
that man is a meat eater and has been so for millions of years. I believe that eating
meat that is processed is really bad for you but a small of lightly coked fish or steak
is a benefit to you health.