Meat is a foodstuff nothing more.Humanitys focus on safe drinking water,clean enviorments has the largest impact on lifespan.meat has no impact on genetic potential,it does have an impact on overall health and wellbeing.The enzyme axiom of the human expieriance can have a positive or negative impact on ones life depending on dietary stewardship.This has potiential for increasing vitality and functionality of the overall human expieriance.Enzyme replacement therapy can be benaficial to omnivores as well as vegans.Proteins charged with life are enzymes,Unless one is willing to eat raw animal products which are hygenicaly unsafe.The only logical way to get these living proteins is frome raw veg. sources.Then there is the issue of hygeine and the gastrointestinal tract.Meat consumption is a choice which will impact the quality of life.Amino acids are used by the body,the sorce itself is irrelavant.The only issue is how hard does the body have to work to get the digestive job done.