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I've tried MC for 10 days and found veggie fasting better

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

ikota Views: 1,653
Published: 19 y

I've tried MC for 10 days and found veggie fasting better

I wanted to share the fact that I found Master-Cleanse to be somewhat dissapointing after doing veggie fasting and seeing what great results that had. I went on nothing but raw veggie fast for about 2 weeks some months back. My skin became clear and my eyes whiter and brighter, I haven't looked that beautiful ever. Unfortunately after getting off the veggie fast I didn't keep to a healthy diet, so later on decided to do an MC. I lasted 10 days without much discomfort, lost a bunch of weight which I didn't want to lose and really didn't notice anything like a detox reaction (except for a coated tongue). No brightening up of skin or shiny eyes. Given the choice between these two fasts I'd take raw veggies any day. I think the reason it works better is because the fiber helps you cleanse the colon, while eating keeps your body in an operational mode (which activates cleansing reactions) as opposed to going into a semi-coma with the no -food diet. Giving your body a break I believe is very important, but as for cleansing nothing beats raw veggies for me.


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