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Re: oxygen therapy to kill parasites?
newport Views: 9,559
Published: 19 y
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Re: oxygen therapy to kill parasites?

The problem is getting the O3 - Ozone to where you need it.

Lets assume you drink Ozonated water, most is absorbed in your stomach and first few inches of Small Intestine, so unless you have some parasites living there nada.

Now let me say having your stomach and first part of the SI clear is a bonus for some people especially with Crohn’s.

So what’s your option? You can ozonate some olive oil ala Hulda Clark and try and get anything out in the open in (most) of your SI. But now you have cholesterol issues to deal with the lightly ozonated olive oil has side effects which must be adhered to. Note: There is a thread on this in the ozone forum.

The other is products like Oxypowder or Mag7, both use ozonated magnesium. The magnesium works like Milk of magnesia while the water is pulled towards the magnesium in your digestive track you get bound O3 - Ozone slowly being freed and therefore you get it most of your digestive track (they claim 6-12 hours release time). Of course this will cause watery stool and drying of your intestines, from pulling the water, so a limited amount can be used but in theory it should also kill parasites (have not tried this yet).

But…the real bad ones don’t limit themselves to your digestive track, they like your blood, your lymph your bones your muscle tissue etc. and O3 - Ozone has a difficult time getting there.

See my profile for what I consider a must; get the Blood Purifier to stop them controlling you. Use oodles of MSM to help make your tissue more resistant to them. Take O3 to keep that first part of your digestive track clear and absorbing your food. BTW the O3 seems to help with intestinal flora as well and helps detox you generally. Take herbs at key times to get rid of any stragglers.

Hope this helps.


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