According to Dr. Schulze , cayenne pepper is without a doubt the number one first aid herb. Whenever you have a problem with blood -- be it blood loss, disease, clots, or even stoppage – cayenne is the herb of choice. When you think of blood, in any situation, use cayenne. There is no herb that stops bleeding faster than cayenne – from cuts to internal hemorrhaging. For deep lacerations, I flush out the wound with what I call an anti-infection tincture which has cayenne in it (the formula is in the chapter on slippery elm). It not only begins to stop the bleeding, but it cleans, disinfects, and even seals the wound. Then, just pack cayenne powder into the wound. It doesn’t burn. On open fresh wounds, there is so much trauma already, you don’t feel a thing. Cayenne stops the bleeding immediately and the high amount of vitamin A and vitamin C in cayenne also clean and disinfect. Plus with any injury, remember to take cayenne internally.