--answer----Kelp to Calcium levels needed!--
Hi luap,
The answer to this question about ES bath maybe imbalancing the body unless they also may take more Calcium, may have too many variabilities to give a Flat answer to try to cover it all !
First when you enter Magnesium into the equation, this may displace the need for so much Calcium, as they may occupy some of the same uses !
Also the magnesium may Cause the body to be able to get rid of some of the Excess amounts of Nitrogen (protein) from the body thus Causing the body to maybe need Less Calcium !
Also the sulfate of the ES may react with the nitrogen(protein) and cause Less calcium to be needed !
As you may begin to see, not every thing is as it may first seem to be, for there are to many variables to have to consider !
And then "IF" the body does not have excess Nitrogen(protein), and ES is entered into the factor, this may have a Different effect on the overall condition !
As a general rule the body may always need Calcium and may have a problem of too much Nitrogen(protein) !
Smile Tis your choice.