--answer--Kelp to Calcium levels needed!--
Hi wombat,
What a person needs to understand may be that when the body may be too Short in Calcium as is the case most of the time, that this need may need to be addressed first before anything else may Help to solve the problems Facing the person !
Now to the Moreless Drink which you are refering to, it contains the basics to start from, but is adjustable to the Different needs of each person !
And for most people this may require some "COMMON SENSE" to be applied !
For "IF" you are unable to first figure out what foods may have been Causing you all of your problems in the First place and then been willing to "STOP" eating these foods, then you may not find success in adjusting the amounts of ingredients of the Moreless Drink !
As to how one is to find what needs one may need of the different amounts in the drink, all you need to do is to make different adjustments as to the amounts you take of each ingredient and observe the results !
Of course keeping in mind that you must have enough Calcium first, then that you must have enough magnesium and then everything else follows behind !
So this may mean that you may need to learn to take a small pinch of Epsom Salt with each meal to Help the Liver and the kidneys to do their job properly first !
Then learn to supply the needed Calcium and other ingredients !
Smile Tis your choice.