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Re: News/ to Michelle
Deotima Views: 1,875
Published: 19 y
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Re: News/ to Michelle

Hi Michelle, I don't think salad would cause a liver flush. The theory is that the liver detects the oil mixture in the stomach and produces a large quantity of bile to digest it. In doing so, both the liver and gall bladder pump strongly and the increased flow clears the 'stones' that are obstructing the ducts.You need to lay down on the bed/floor to help optimum clearance. The Epsom Salts beforehand relax and dilate the billary tubing, allowing obstructions to pass, as well as clearing out old fecal matter. The Epsom Salts after the oil/grapefruit juice mixture is to facilitate the passing of the waste along the intestines and out of the body. It's very simple and effective. I've done 22 Liver Flushes over the last 2 years, and they have greatly helped my digestion, and cleared my allergys, and my eczema. You do feel a bit sick when you do them, and need a free day at home while the body is expelling wast.All best wishes,love and light, Deotima.


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